
McDonald's is testing a new concept that includes hip, fresh menu items, like quinoa, asparagus and couscous.


NASA has established a new office to coordinate its efforts to protect earth from deadly asteroids.


For years, science and the Bible have seemed at odds over the source of the Earth's water.  In Genesis 1, the Bible explains that God created Earth as a water-covered sphere and in Genesis 7 the author explains that "springs of the great deep burst forth" and flooded the Earth.



Are you in need of some daily inspiration to get you through the day?



A Catholic priest kidnapped in Yemen nearly ten months ago is appealing for help in a video released this week by a terrorist group. 


Scientists from around the world are discussing the implications of a newly advanced technniqe called genetic editing, which can change a person at the most fundamental level. They gathered in Washington recently to debate the ethical dangers of altering a person's genetic code.


Many Christians face having their beliefs questioned, if not downright assaulted. But the proof for the Bible's accuracy is overwhelming. Three of the world's top biblical experts share amazing evidence for believers to have faith in their faith.


Christmas is a busy time of year, especially for scammers. The hustle and bustle can give them even more opportunities to take advantage of people.


When it comes to your health, tea packs a powerful punch. If you're not drinking tea on a regular basis, it might be a habit worth starting. Dr. Patrick Fratellone explains why.


Hackers from an off-shoot of the group Anonymous are following through with their threat to wage a cyber war on ISIS.
