
“The Bachelorette” contestant Luke Parker, who has been widely ridiculed for his Christian views on sex before marriage, has penned an Instagram post explaining why he went on the show in the first place.


Grammy Award-winning gospel recording artist Tamela Mann recently had surgery and is thanking her fans for their prayers via social media.


When Nick Vujicic was born in 1982, his parents were shocked to discover he was born without arms and legs. His mother, a nurse, took care of herself throughout the pregnancy, and the doctors never mentioned their baby was missing his limbs. 


Grammy award-winning Christian artist Lauren Daigle has made music history with her latest album 'Look Up Child'.


Liberty University has announced that Grammy Award-winning artist Michael W. Smith will team with Kevin Jonas, the father, and original manager of the rock group The Jonas Brothers, for the newly created Michael W. Smith Center for Commercial Music, which will be a part of the Liberty School of Music later this summer. 


The purveyors of high morally-minded political correctness have called out Chris Pratt for wearing a t-shirt with a symbol that dates back to before the Revolutionary War. Yes, you read that right. The Christian actor was slammed for wearing a historic symbol known as the Gadsden flag on his shirt. 


“The Bachelorette” star Luke Parker has been booted off the show after revealing his deeply-held Christian views towards sex before marriage.


More than two years after the first season debuted — and intense criticism followed — Netflix has decided to scrub “13 Reasons Why” of its most graphic scene: the moment the show’s main character, Hannah Baker, commits suicide.


Popular Christian singer Michael W. Smith recently shared how a "divine interruption" led him to a surprise conversation with an Uber driver who truly needed to hear the gospel. 


NFL tight end Ben Watson shared a lesson on fatherhood that every father needs to hear over the weekend on Facebook.
