
Leading social media site Facebook announced on Friday that it will begin labeling and banning posts that violate their policies.

Pakistani flag

Pakistan is considered one of the worse violators of religious liberty in the world according to the US watchdog on religious freedom, but the State Department allows the nation a special waiver to protect it from punishing sanctions.

Planned Parenthood

Former and current employees at Planned Parenthood have accused Laura McQuade, the now-ex-CEO of the abortion business’ Greater New York clinic, of “systemic racism” and abuse.

Image Source: Michael Jr./PureFlix

Famed comedian Michael Jr. believes the Bible is a powerful book that, when truly embraced, can have a stark and transformative impact on people's hearts and lives.

Image Source: AP Photo/Mark Tenally

Those who are so confused to believe the statue — which depicts Lincoln standing with his arm outstretched as a freed slave on one knee lifts his head up — depicts servitude, look again.

Vice President Mike Pence (Photo: Patrick Robertson/CBN News)

The White House coronavirus task force held its first briefing in nearly two months on Friday. 


President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday to protect the country's historical memorials and monuments from vandalism. 

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Associated Press photo

A federal judge has told New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio they can't limit worship services to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at the same time they're condoning mass protests.


President Donald Trump and his 2020 election opponent Joe Biden exchanged jabs at campaign events today – Trump highlighting Biden's aging memory, and Biden blasting Trump as immature.

Image: screenshot/twitter

A white Black Lives Matter activist got into a heated argument with a group of black and white police officers in Washington, D.C., this week, accusing one cop of racism and of being a liar after he told her he is married to a black woman.
