Mike Pence

Vice President Mike Pence made a few appropriate remarks Monday during Israel's 70th Independence Day Celebration held at the Mellon Auditorium in Washington, D.C.  



If given a choice between a cup of coffee, sweets, social media, or Bible-reading to jump-start your mornings, which would you choose? The American Bible Society commissioned the George Barna Research firm to find out what people think.


The Supreme Court on Monday struck down a federal law that bars gambling on football, basketball, baseball and other sports in most states, giving states the go-ahead to legalize betting on sports.


Kyle Kashuv may be infamous at his Florida high school. But he's attained rock star status among NRA members.


From the Civil War to the civil rights movement, to secretaries of state, and a former president of the United States, its message of hope in the face of sorrow remains steadfast.

Adoption Agreement

Christian groups say it is in defense of religious freedom; LGBTQ advocates call it discriminatory.


Popular evangelist Andy Stanley recently raised the ire of some Christians on social media when he publicly said that Christians need to "unhitch" the Old Testament from their faith.


Teachers and contest organizers say Anaya Ellick's handwriting skills are absolutely amazing.

Image source: Twitter/VP

When Vice President Mike Pence greeted the newly released North Korean prisoners on the tarmac of Andrews Air Force Base early yesterday morning, he was expecting to make them feel as welcome as possible as they stepped onto American soil. But he could have never anticipated what he himself might receive.


Gunner's Mate 3rd Class Robert Ashman, a sailor aboard the guided-missile destroyer USS Winston S. Churchill, has the unexpected honor of committing his great-grandfather's remains to the sea a few weeks later after deployment.
