Light in Darkness: Christian Reporting in the Wake of Racial Unrest

Light in Darkness: Christian Reporting in the Wake of Racial Unrest

America's racial divide is a topic that cannot be ignored in today's political climate. 

Each week, news headlines circle back to police-involved shootings, protests, and riots and for those covering the stories, it can be a tough task. 

"You wear a journalistic shield if you will, and you try to hold it together," said Efrem Graham. "Whether or not this is happening more frequently, we seem to be covering it more frequently and there are more cameras out there because people are recording it. So we are seeing it more."

"But no matter how dark the situation may seem there is always hope," he continued. "And that hope is in Jesus Christ".

Efrem Graham is on today's rundown on how being a Christian journalist is vital in today's society. 

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