David Brooks

New York Times columnist David Brooks shares his personal spiritual journey of finding God in the pages of the New Testament.

Greg Zanis prepares crosses to place in memory of victims at a makeshift memorial for victims of a mass shooting at a shopping complex Monday, Aug. 5, 2019, in El Paso, Texas. (AP Photo/John Locher)

With America seemingly rocked by a steady stream of violence, two ordinary men are on two not-so-ordinary missions, looking to combat tragedies in their own unique ways.  

One Big Heart: A Celebration of Being More Alike than Different

ABC News correspondent Linsey Davis talks about her new children's book, One Big Heart: A Celebration of Being More Alike than Different.

Photo of High school athlete Selina Soule, who competes within the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference. (Image credit: Alliance Defending Freedom)

The federal government announced Wednesday it will investigate allegations of discrimination filed by three Connecticut teenage girl athletes against Connecticut's policy regarding transgender athletes. 


An Ohio sixth-grader referred to as "John Doe" will not face punishment going forward for using the "wrong" pronoun for a boy considered transgender, according to the Liberty Counsel, a religious liberty law firm. 

The seal of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.

A federal appellate court on Thursday rejected an attempt by the Wisconsin-based atheist group Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) to censor the image of a cross from Lehigh County's historic seal. 


In the wake of last weekend's mass shootings, nationwide pressure is mounting on Congress and the president to combat gun violence. President Trump has invited internet and technology companies to the White House Friday for a roundtable discussion on violent extremism. On Wednesday, the president and first lady made trips to El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio to console victims and encourage first responders.


Pornography viewers are experts at finding excuses to justify their porn usage. "I can stop whenever I want to," "I'm not hurting anyone," and "It's just a harmless video" are common defenses.  Many single guys believe that marriage will expunge the need to view pornography.  But that assumption is not correct.

In this Aug. 6, 2019 file photo, a man hangs up an "El Paso Strong" sign at a makeshift memorial at the scene of a mass shooting at a shopping complex in El Paso, Texas.  (AP Photo/John Locher, File)

A pastor and a father from El Paso received a call Saturday no dad ever wants to answer: one of his daughters had been shot.

School Prayer Zone sign

Road signs that say "School Prayer Zone" are popping up near public schools in South Carolina.
