
With the help of Facebook and an unmistakable prompting from God, one father of two is now recovering at home thanks to the kindness of a complete stranger.


A would-be kidnapper met his match over the weekend when he attempted to grab four young girls outside of a Michigan convenience store. The brave girls thwarted their attacker by throwing hot coffee on him and fighting back, according to police.


Pastor Greg Laurie's SoCal Harvest event will be held Friday, Aug. 17 through Sunday, Aug. 19 at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, California and is expected to draw tens of thousands of people to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Churches meet the needs of the hungry 24/7 with a simple approach to fulfilling a biblical mandate.


Autistic College Student Faces charges of sexual abuse for a fist bump and a selfie. Mom says he was just trying to make friends and people don't understand him.


40 days of outreach called "Jesus Summer" kicked off in Chicago July 14. The ministry is a response to the deadly gun violence that has been surging in the Windy City.   

Bulletproof Backpack

With summer coming to an end, people across the country are preparing for the upcoming school year, and on many parents' shopping list is one thing: bulletproof backpacks.


Colorado baker Jack Phillips is being targeted for his faith yet again – this time for refusing to bake a cake to celebrate a gender transition.


The Museum of the Bible has found a medieval New Testament manuscript that mysteriously went missing from the University of Athens in 1991.  

File photo of Cardinal Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington. Wuerl wrote to priests to defend himself before the release of the grand jury report investigating child sexual abuse in six of Pennsylvania’s Roman Catholic dioceses.

More than 1,000 children — and possibly many more — were molested by hundreds of Roman Catholic priests in six Pennsylvania dioceses, while senior church officials took steps to cover it up, according to a landmark grand jury report released Tuesday.
