Bill Richardson: It was Nice Knowing You


Bill Richardson wanted to President. No dice. He wanted to be Secretary of State. No dice. Instead Obama chose him to be his Commerce Secretary. Guess what? No dice on that too.

Richardson pulled out today leaving Team Obama scrambling to find a replacement and Governor Richardson staying put in New Mexico. More on Richardson and why he pulled the plug on himself here.

Look, in the scheme of things this thing is a blip. Sure you can make the argument that team Obama should have vetted the New Mexico pay for play scenario more. You want to take a shot at Obama’s judgment, go ahead but it won’t get you far. This is no doubt a distraction but time for a reality check. With a new Congress about to start, Roland Burris coming to town, cabinet member confirmations starting and Obama in DC now, the headlines will change quickly. The story has no legs nationally. Instead if you want to follow the Richardson saga, pick up the Albuquerque Journal.

Team Obama will find another Commerce Secretary. It ain’t the end of the World.


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