Is John McCain Being Held to a Double Standard?


Privately, and sometimes publicly, conservative Pro-family leaders grumble about how John McCain never really talks about his faith. For example, at the recent Council for National Policy meeting of social conservative leaders, McCain didn't open up about his faith and afterwards, The Brody File is told that pro-family leaders wanted to hear more from McCain on his walk with God. They're left disappointed. They are not big fans of the "generic Judeo-Christian lines" that come forth and his retelling of the "P.O.W. cross in the sand" story that is about another solider, not himself. (More on that story here.)

But hold on a minute, is McCain receiving the double standard treatment? Did Ronald Reagan need to prove his Christianity? Did Bob Dole? Were these candidates asked to talk about their belief in Jesus? Why is it different for McCain? I understand that there are those within the Evangelical movement that don't trust McCain because of the "Agents of Intolerance" remark from 2000. Campaign finance reform and his positions on embryonic stem cell research and a federal marriage amendment don't help either.

Still, why should John McCain have to go through hoops when it comes to discussing his faith? George W. Bush was happy to talk about it but for McCain, it's different. His faith is a private matter. That's the way he wants it. Shouldn't we just leave it at that? Why should he be judged negatively just because he doesn't want to discuss it? Part of the discomfort with McCain for Evangelicals is that they believe sharing your faith is extremely important. So if a candidate is reluctant to talk about it, it makes some wonder. I'm not saying it's fair. I'm just giving you a little Brody File insight.

One more question to ponder: Most Americans want their President to believe in God but if they don't talk about it is that OK? Do Evangelicals need to see and hear from a "wear it on your sleeve" Christian to feel more comfortable? How much faith talk should be required from a President?

By the way, John McCain has talked about his faith before on numerous occasions yet some still aren't satisfied. More links on that here.


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