Obama Cites his Middle Name as a Reason for Jewish Skepticism


Are Jewish voters spooked by Barack Obama's middle name? Apparently Obama thinks so. Read his comments today to Jewish Leaders:

"Let's be clear, there has been a really systematic effort to suggest that I'm not sufficiently pro-Israel," he said. "The fact that my middle name is Hussein, I'm sure, does not help in that regard . . . Again some of this dates back to the '60s between the African-American and the Jewish community as a consequence of Louis Farrakhan. There was flap about some of Jesse Jackson's statements during his presidential race, so I inherit all this baggage."

Read more here and here.

I think Obama's middle name doesn't just spook some Jews. It spooks a few others as well. But Obama's real problem with the Jewish vote is his apparent willingness to deal with Iran not to mention some of Obama's past associations within the pro-Palestinian crowd.

If Obama makes it to the General Election, his dealings (past and present) with Israel and past associates will get even more scrutiny.


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