David Axelrod: Is Michelle Obama Fair Game?


When I interviewed top Obama strategist David Axelrod at Obama headquarters Thursday in Chicago, I asked him about Michelle Obama and whether or not she's "fair game" in an upcoming general election. Read what he said below and watch it above:

Brody: Michelle Obama, is she fair game for the McCain campaign to go after?

Axelrod: Well, I think that people are interested in the families of the candidates and I welcome that because Michelle is a great American story. She has benefited from the greatness of this country and she has contributed in many ways through her community service and the decisions that she has made to it, so she's a great reflection on Barack. You know, having said that, I think that unfortunate kind of shameful when the opponent tries to make the spouse the issue who isn't the candidate and to do it by taking things out of context, to try and create a caricature that isn't true. I think that's unfortunate. I think that would be unfortunate if that were done to Mrs. McCain, I think it's unfortunate when people try to do it to Michelle. I don't think the American people will respond well to that.


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