David Axelrod on Pesky Muslim Emails


Those pesky Muslim emails about Barack Obama just won't go away. Some people still think he's a Muslim. He's not. I talked to David Axelrod, Obama's chief strategist about that today at Obama headquarters in Chicago. The answer is below and you can watch it above.

Brody: Have you been surprise by some of these poll numbers that show 10 percent or so of people thing Barack Obama is a Muslim, or they don't know what to believe exactly? Has that shocked you? Has that surprised you and does the campaign recognize this could be a potentially seriously problem in the fall?

Axelrod: Well Dave you know there've been literally tens of millions of very pernicious and false emails that were sent out at the beginning of this campaign to misinform people about Obama, his background and the fact is he's a devout Christian, he's made that very, very clear. I think that's central to who he is as a person. And my hope is that as he becomes even better known during the course of the campaign that everyone will understand that and we can move on from this.  It's bad for the country, frankly, to let that kind of pernicious garbage rule our politics and I think that we can overcome it.


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