The Search for a Christian Vice President


A Christian group called the Anti-Defamation Commission wants a Christian as Vice President. They have started an online petition and will send the results to each presidential campaign. You can view the petition here.

The group’s President is Dr. Gary Cass. He’s well known among Christian social conservatives. A quick synopsis of his bio is below:

Dr. Gary Cass is the former Executive Director of the late Dr. D. James Kennedy's Center for Reclaiming America.  As an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church of America, Dr. Cass is currently Chairman and CEO of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission.  Dr. Cass has been an entrenched pro-life activist for many years.  In 2002, Gary received the California Life Coalition's Pro-Life Service Award for demonstrated excellence in his commitment to protecting life.

Dr. Cass endorsed Fred Thompson in the Republican Primary and this is what Thompson said about Cass:

"I am blessed and deeply grateful for the endorsement of Dr. Cass, who is held in high regard by conservative Evangelical Christians across the country"

Look, McCain, Obama and Clinton aren’t going to pay attention to an online petition. That’s not the point here. There is a larger issue to consider. Evangelicals, for the most part, are lukewarm on McCain. They may vote for him…they may not but one thing is for sure; they’re not energized at all. So that’s why this VP pick is SO important for McCain. A center-right moderate will be disastrous for McCain with Evangelicals and social conservatives. Many Evangelicals are waiting to see who McCain picks as his VP. A solid social conservative who has fought for their causes would be a winner. If he’s a professed, Bible believing Christian, well, that’s the daily double.

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