Bob Barr on Brody File: McCain Can’t be Trusted on Judges


Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr tells the Brody File that when it comes to judges John McCain can not be trusted. Basically what he is saying is that voters shouldn’t just accept the line that McCain will nominate judges like Roberts and Alito. Watch above. Read below.

Bob Barr: “I know that many conservatives for example say well we have to vote for McCain even though we don’t like him because he’ll give us different better judges. Well, ask people to think a little bit about what they’re saying. John McCain gave us McCain/Feingold which is the most anti-freedom piece of legislation in many many years. And John McCain appointed judges could be certainly expected to be of the same mindset that would support and uphold intrusion into the first amendment such as McCain Feingold:

Brody: So he may not be able to be trusted necessarily on judges?

Bob Barr: Absolutely not.

Conservative Evangelicals are banking that McCain will come through on judges. If he gets elected and blows it, Evangelicals and broader conservatives will be second guessing for a lifetime.

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The Brody File