Source: McCain Needs Better Economic Presentation


A source close to the McCain campaign tells The Brody File that while McCain’s economic plan is a winner the campaign must do a better job of putting a human touch on it.

This source who is well connected with the McCain campaign says that the topics of energy and offshore drilling are winners for campaign but in order to reach voters at the emotional level the campaign needs to be able to better stress the connection between the economy and peoples lives.

I think you are going to see a disproportionate emphasis on trying to better market and better present his economic proposals. That continues to be a focal point for the campaign. They (voters) do want to see that you acknowledge and understand and feel what they’re feeling. McCain is not going to change the substance of his package. He feels good about it. It’s the right package for the party and for conservatives but the question is how do you better present it.”

For example, trotting out economists or railing about the AMT and other fancy economic terms do not reverberate with voters. Real life stories need to be a big part of the economic game plan. Obama has done a better job of connecting emotionally to voters. So this source close to the McCain campaign tells me part of the sell is stylistic.

“It’s not just the content it’s also the emotion. For instance Barack Obama doesn’t say anything. It’s all emotion and McCain has a good checklist but he needs to convert the checklist from a checklist into something that resonates with people.”


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