Ted Cruz Tells Brody File President Trump Off to 'Very, Very Strong Start'


In an interview with The Brody File, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, praised President Donald Trump’s time in office so far.

“His first month on substance and policy has been very very strong,” Cruz told us during our interview at CPAC.  Those are important words from Cruz, who was Trump’s biggest rival during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Cruz loved the Neil Gorsuch pick for the Supreme Court, along with Trump’s quick action on reinstating the pro-life Mexico City Policy, approving the Keystone pipeline and instituting a hiring freeze on federal workers.

And as for Trump’s pick regarding his cabinet, more praise: “This is an all-star cabinet," Cruz said. "This is the most conservative cabinet we’ve seen in decades.”

Cruz echoes the sentiments of many evangelical voters out there who see Trump as delivering on his campaign promises so far. The mainstream media may have all sorts of problems with President Trump’s agenda/rollout, but when it comes to the conservative evangelical base who got him to the White House, no complaints at all so far.



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