Suing Al Gore over "Climate Change"


The founder of the Weather Channel, John Coleman, would like to see global warming proponent Al Gore and companies that sell "carbon credits" sued for fraud. Coleman, who founded the Weather Channel in 1982, and who thinks Global Warming is bogus, believes that climate change advocates and their scientists would fail to convince a judge of their scientific "evidence" in a court of law.

Last year when British education officials wanted to show Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth" to British school children, opponents took the matter to court, and the British court determined that there are 9 key scientific errors in the film, including 3 errors that go right to the heart of the apocalyptic gospel of climate change. The court said the scientific evidence shows the earth began warming BEFORE the increase of CO2 into the atmosphere; that melting ice in Greenland would not cause a sudden dangerous rise in ocean levels; and that ice in the Antarctic is growing, not shrinking.

And a new study by the National Center for Policy Analysis found that the U.N.'s climate change panel, the IPCC, which is sort of like the Vatican for climate change believers, "clearly violated 60 of the 127 scientific forecasting principles…critical to making sound predictions" when it issued its famous Fourth Assessment Report in 2007 basically predicting we're all going to die if global warming isn't stopped.

Are any of them beginning to feel silly? Even in the slightest? I imagine not. Most officials at the U.N who pander to the Left are frequently told how brilliant they are.

Nevermind that NOAA just announced that Winter 2008 was the coldest globally since 2001.

Don't throw out those woolies just yet.

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