Bush, Bases & "Baloney"


Perhaps some of my African friends reading this may not be familiar with the phrase, "baloney!"  Baloney is a slice of lunch meat you would put on a sandwich...but what does this have to do with U.S. military bases in Africa?

President Bush used the term "baloney" to refer to speculation that America was looking to expand its influence in Africa by building military bases across the continent. 

You may still be asking, "what does a piece of meat have to do with anything?"  Good question.

"Baloney" is an American idiom meaning, "that's nonsense, completely unbelievable!"

But is the notion of a military base in a sovereign African country so unbelievable?  The Americans already have a base in Djibouti.  Some African are worried countries that the U.S. may just want their oil.  America already gets a fifth of all its oil from Nigeria.

The Associated Press reports that...

Several African countries, including Libya, Nigeria and South Africa, have expressed deep reservations, fearing the plan signals an unwanted expansion of American power on the continent or is a cover for protecting Africa's vast oil resources on the United States' behalf. 

(Click here to read more.)

Every time a small band of rogues in Nigeria decide to siphon off oil or blow up a section of the pipeline, the price of gas shoots up in the States and in other countries that buy from the country.  Nigeria will have to find a better way of protecting their country's greatest resource or the instability in the north of Nigeria may begin to scare off customers and hurt the country's chances of getting more business.  Oil resources definitely need protecting, if not from the Nigerians than from somewhere. 

So far, it seems other than spending a lot of money on Nigerian oil, America has spent billions of dollars on development projects and medical care. 

Regardless of political affiliation, one must admit the significant funding from the Bush Administration has worked wonders to combat diseases endemic to the continent. 

Bush recently announced plans for the U.S. to send $350 million over the next five years to target seven major diseases.  This does not include the millions of American dollars being poured into AIDS/HIV treatment and the President's initiative against malaria.  This also doesn't include the aid given in food and educational resources.

As the President gets ready to head home, it makes one wonder what else America has to do to prove that its friendship with the African continent is not just "baloney."

What do you think?  E-mail me with your thoughts.