CBN Staff & Board Bios
Founded by Pat Robertson in 1960, CBN is a global ministry committed to preparing the nations of the world for the coming of Jesus Christ through mass media. Using television the Internet, and social media, CBN is proclaiming the Good News to 156 nations and territories, with programs and content translated into 76 languages.
CBN Staff

Pat Robertson
M. G. "Pat" Robertson has achieved national and international recognition as a religious broadcaster, philanthropist, educator, religious leader, businessman, and author. He is the founder and chairman of The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) Inc., founder of International Family Entertainment Inc., Regent University, Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation, American Center for Law and Justice, The Flying Hospital, Inc. and several other organizations and broadcast entities.

Gordon Robertson
Gordon Robertson is the president and CEO of The Christian Broadcasting Network and president of CBN’s humanitarian organization, Operation Blessing International.
The 700 Club Staff

Terry Meeuwsen
As a co-host, Terry Meeuwsen brings a diverse portfolio to the set of The 700 Club. She has been a familiar face on CBN programs since the early 1980s.

Wendy Griffith
Wendy Griffith is a co-host for The 700 Club and an anchor and senior reporter for CBN News based in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

John Jessup
John serves as the news anchor for The 700 Club and works from CBN's Washington Bureau.

Scott Ross
Former host of Streets of the World, a CBN radio program, Scott is an integral part of the producing team.
CBN's Board of Directors
William L. McConkey (Independent)
David Pentecost (Independent)
M.G. Robertson (Affiliated)
Gordon P. Robertson (Affiliated)
Thomas M. Saltsgiver (Independent)
Jennifer Whitelaw (Independent)
Benny Yount (Independent)
Phillip D. Walker (Independent)