Lost in the Election Fray


The United States is counting down the hours to tomorrow's historic election between Senators John McCain and Barack Obama.  Here in the States, it's all election, all the time. Quite frankly, it's been this way for the past few weeks, but in the past few days there have been very few stories about anything else. 

In the past few weeks, international news directors and foreign correspondents have had to fight and claw for scarce column inches and brief seconds of air time to cover huge news stories around the world.

While this election is important and will affect the rest of the world, there are several news stories happening that Americans seem to know nothing about.  Among the biggest stories out there...

A British journalist was arrested in Zimbabwe...

An AIDS group is demanding the Zimbabwean government return more than seven million dollars in funding...

new report from the U.N. says there's been a surge in sex tourists exploiting children in Gambia...

The tumultuous elections in Zambia...

The good news in the Financial Times that in the midst of the global financial crisis, sub-Saharan Africa is projected to experience growth of more than six percent..

And, of course, the latest violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 

Click on the video above to watch a brief clip from an interview I did with Michael Arunga, the World Vision Emergency Communications Officer, about the recent evacuation of the World Vision staff from Goma and the desperate need for the world to pay attention to the plight of the Congolese.

In the midst of this busy election season in the States, let's not forget that there's a great big world out there that keeps on living and dying around us.