All You Need is Love?



2. LOVE LETS GO: no, we cannot forget the past and just move on. What we can do is reframe the past and envelope our pains, fears, hurts and wounds with forgiveness and meaning.

A young man who is in a dangerous service industry came in because of an addiction in his life. He could not envision what he could possibly do with this dreaded addiction that was connected with pain from his past. Reframing it means that he attaches new meaning to the purpose behind why he struggles and how it is not working for him. By reframing his past pain, his present is more manageable.

3. LOVE RESTORES: the goal of love is to restore relationships and bonds between people. Love seeks to reconnect by breaking down barriers.

4. LOVE HEALS: Americans are over-medicated and over-stressed. People seek peace in so many places. What brings whole, lasting peace is a healing encounter with the risen Christ!

It healed Saul from being a murderer. He was persecuting Christians and seeking permits to have them killed. When he met Jesus on the road to Damascus, he was transformed and peace flooded his heart as never before.

It may be that you have been in despair. Rock bottom, the end of your rope, your last straw may be your favorite phrases. Today you can seek a new path and a different way of thinking. By forgiving and seeking forgiveness, you can change the pains of your past and bring hope into your future by seeking healing for your life.

This blog article was written by Dr. Paul Hardy, a champion for the cause of broken and addicted people. For the last 12 years, he and his wife Suzie have dedicated their lives to helping people break free from the bondages of addictions and compulsive behaviors. Together, they founded Recovery for Life, a non-profit that ministers to over 300 people a week in the Virginia Beach, Tidewater area. He is also the Director of the Life Counseling and Recovery Center of Eastern Virginia.  Visit their Recovery for Life website (formerly Recovery for the City)