America's Most Bible-Minded Cities


How do Americans in America's largest cities view the Bible? The Barna Group, a research company focused on the intersection of faith and culture, has conducted a study to find out.

Researchers defined Bible-minded as "individuals who report reading the Bible in a typical week and who strongly assert the Bible is accurate in the principles it teaches."

So how does your city rank?

The Bible Belt still lives up to its name. The South is the most Bible-minded region in the country. Knoxville, Tenn., comes in first, followed by Shreveport, La., and Chattanooga, Tenn.

Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love, comes in at 52nd and is among the most Bible-minded cities along the eastern seaboard. The nation's capital, Washington, D.C., comes in 63rd.

Where are the least Bible-minded cities? New England - Boston, Burlington, Vt., and Albany, N.Y., are all in the bottom 10.  Providence, R.I., comes in last.

As a rule, the survey found America's most populous cities are the least Bible-minded.

The results are based on nearly 43,000 interviews conducted nationwide. It's part of a larger project the Barna Group is working on called Barna: Cities.

Researchers are compiling gobs of data to paint a clear picture about the "state of faith" of the people living in America's cities.

Where does your city rank?