The Husband Project Day 8: Get Cooking!


“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” - J. R. R. Tolkien

It’s an unfair fact of life – men like a woman who can cook.

Most of us didn’t grow up with a mom who passed down an exceptional culinary legacy. Many of our mothers were out there bringing home the bacon and frying it up in a pan (or nuking it in the microwave before she had to get a bunch of kidlets off to soccer practice).

My mom worked outside the home, and is a great cook. But, like her sewing skills, natural cooking abilities skipped a generation.

In my first tiny apartment living alone, I survived for a year on takeout food and ham sandwiches. I was deathly afraid of cooking anything as complicated as chicken, fearing that I would certainly poison any partakers with a lethal case of salmonella.

When I got married, however, I quickly realized that perhaps my groom would not be quite so satisfied with a steady diet of take-out sushi, yogurt smoothies, and Diet Coke. It was time for me to spend some quality time with my soon-to-be new best friend, Betty Crocker.

I decided to dedicate myself to the task at hand and learn to cook. Diving into the culinary deep end, I tackled teriyaki chicken. While the first results were a bit dry, they were not lethal. This gave me a great deal of confidence to try and jump a few more epicurean hurdles.

If you’re not a cook, but you know that your husband would like for you to be, go to for some fail-safe recipes that I know you can do, and that your husband will love. How can I be sure? Both our teenage boys cook and eat the following recipes. If they can cook them, you can cook them. If they will eat them, your husband will eat them.

Share one of your husband’s favorite foods with us in the comments. Inspire the rest of us by sharing your man’s ooey-gooey favorite.

 As the author of 'The Husband Project' Kathi Lipp speaks to groups across the country on how to put your marriage on Project Status.