The IED's that Don't Make the News


Here's some balance for the news you hear about Iraq on the evening news.

They only tell you about the bombs that hurt someone, and without any context, you can't form a correct understanding of the progress that's being made in the region.

CAMP VICTORY, Iraq - Through the combined efforts of Coalition Forces and Concerned Local Citizens, 30 improvised explosive devices were found and destroyed safely on January 21.

The IEDs were found throughout areas south and southeast of Baghdad including Arab Jabour, where Coalition Forces dropped 34,500 pounds of ordnance in an air strike Jan. 20.

Among the IEDs found, 16 were pressure-plate activated, seven were command-wire activated, one was an explosively-formed projectile, or EFP, and one was a multiple-array, consisting of various explosives.

In addition to the IEDs discovered, 11 caches were found; several were reported by CLCs. One cache reported by CLCs contained 20 IEDs. A total of 83 57 mm rounds were discovered, among many others.

So what could have resulted in hundreds of friendly casualties, didn't. And that's the kind of "no news" that ought to make the news.

Thanks to the MultiNational Division-Center PAO office, from whose press release this was taken. 

Chuck Holton

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