CBS' "God Friended Me" Show: Confirm or Delete?


Now that I've seen a sneak preview of CBS' new drama, God Friended Me, I'm in decision mode.

Do I confirm it as a new show to DVR this fall? Or, do I delete it from my TV watchlist after seeing the pilot?

Hmm... confirm or delete? Yea or nay?

Reasons for "Yea"

  1. God Friended Me puts faith on the small screen (airing Sunday nights at 8:30 pm on CBS).
  2. It's a cool show idea: An atheist, son of a preacher podcast host gets a mysterious friend request from God. He ignores it thinking its a prank, but quickly figures out something bigger than a prank is at work.
  3. Show looks well done.
  4. Pretty engaging main characters. (Plus, the cast includes some real talent.)
  5. It affirms faith/truth seekers, and could be very inspirational.

Reasons for "Nay"

  1. Pilot ending is too tidy.
  2. Story-wise, a couple of moments didn't mesh for me.
  3. Feels like the episodes could get formulaic.

For now, the good outweighs the bad. So, my decision is to give it another shot. Come Episode 2, I'll be watching.

If you're interested in checking out the pilot of God Friended Me, head over to and watch it early for free. Then, let me know what you think of the first episode below.

For more info about God Friended Me, check out its page on

God Friended Me: Official Trailer