Blinders On: Obama State Dept. Downplays Iran's Role in Western Hemisphere


Over the past few years, I've done a good deal of reporting on how Iran and its proxy, Hezbollah, are spreading their tentacles in the Western Hemisphere, in America's backyard. It's a credible and imminent threat that the Obama State Department apparently isn't too interested in hearing about.

Here's more, from The Washington Times:

Iran is not supporting active terrorist cells in the Western Hemisphere, according to a State Department report set to be released this week that is likely to ignite a major battle with Capitol Hill.

Although the number of Iranian officials operating in Latin America has increased in recent years, Tehran has far less influence and activities than some congressional Republicans have suggested, sources familiar with the report said.

The analysis found no reliable information pointing to imminent Iranian-backed terrorist plots in the Western Hemisphere, said sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the secretive nature of the report and because it had not yet been sent to Congress.

The State Department declined to comment on the document, which is expected to be delivered to House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Edward R. Royce, California Republican, at the end of this week.

The findings are likely to baffle lawmakers who pushed legislation that mandated the State Department to produce the report, along with a strategy for countering “Iran’s growing hostile presence and activity in the Western Hemisphere.”

This is an example of willful blindness of the most dangerous kind from the Obama administration. Click play below to watch my 2011 report about what Iran and Hezbollah are really doing at our doorstep (bear in mind, their nefarious activities come in different forms other than just supporting terror groups).