Sarah Palin Says Jesus Christ Kept Her Standing Through 2008 Campaign


In an interview with The Brody File. Sarah Palin says Jesus Christ strengthened her tremendously during the trials and tribulations of the 2008 presidential election. Here’s part of what she told me: “Sometimes I look back and I think, how did we stand through all that?  And I know how we stood through that.  It was Christ strengthening our spines and giving us the grace to get through it and allowing circumstances around us, I think, that would lead us to be more sympathetic and understanding of what every other person on this earth goes through.”

Palin explains more about this in her new book out this week called, “Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas." Her book tour starts today in Bethlehem Pennsylvania (Nice touch). More on the book tour here.

The Brody File interviewed Palin in New York City Monday afternoon.

Watch the clip from our interview along with the transcription.

Mandatory Courtesy: CBN News/The Brody File

David Brody:  “You mentioned the 2008 election. “How did you have to get through some of that from a forgiveness and grace standpoint because that is scarring?

Sarah Palin: “Oh, it can be traumatic going through what you go through.  All the frivolous lawsuits that were filed against my family and me after I ran for vice-president, even though we won all those lawsuits, going through financial hardship because of that, going through the scrutiny of a daughter who was pregnant, with the mainstream media all of a sudden acting like Bristol was the only single mom in the world and what a terrible thing it was and what a terrible thing it was that she chose to keep her baby, and yet, the decision that she made has been one of the best decisions in our family's life and forever will be.  So anyway, all these things that had happened at that time, in fact, and at the same time, our son going off to war, his first deployment in Iraq, just a lot of things that were going on.  Sometimes I look back and I think, how did we stand through all that?  And I know how we stood through that.  It was Christ strengthening our spines and giving us the grace to get through it and allowing circumstances around us, I think, that would lead us to be more sympathetic and understanding of what every other person on this earth goes through.  Everybody has their challenges.  Ours just happened to kind of play out on the front page of the National Enquirer sometimes.  But everybody going through hardship, the less than ideal circumstances, choices that have to be made. I believe that we were allowed to be a part of a lot of circumstances that very quickly thrust us into a position of understanding what other people go through.”

David Brody:  “And God has your back through all of it?”

Sarah Palin:  “There's no way I would be standing if it weren't for that faith that I adopted as a kid, asking Christ into my life, putting my life in his hands, saying, "God you're my Creator, I got to believe that you know more about destiny than I do.  So Heaven forbid, I try to orchestrate it myself.  Lord, send me off, I'll go.”