Video: Marco Rubio Stands Up For Traditional Marriage: Calls Gay Americans Out For Their Hypocrisy


Sen. Marco Rubio didn’t hold back today at Catholic University when talking about traditional American values.

Instead of shying away from the now controversial topic of marriage (ridiculous), Rubio had the following stern rebuke for homosexuals who seem to think anyone who is against gay marriage is a bigot.

Sen.Marco Rubio: This intolerance in the name of tolerance is hypocrisy. Supporting the definition of marriage as one man and one woman is not anti-gay. It is pro-traditional marriage. And if support for traditional marriage is bigotry then Barack Obama was a bigot until just before the 2012 election.

He just summarized what millions of evangelicals think on a daily basis. That’s called a homerun with the base.

Watch below at the 17:45 mark.

The Brody File says well done. Marco Rubio was bold enough to speak up on traditional marriage in a day and age when doing so can be hazardous to your political health. His speech today at Catholic University, where he talked about traditional values being the fabric of American society was eloquent and strong.

It had the right mix of compassion, individual liberty, patriotism, and limited government assistance. It put on display why he’s one of the best communicators in the Republican Party and why he would be formidable in a 2016 presidential election race.