Brody File Exclusive: Pastors Mobilizing: Getting Ready To To Run for Office In 2016


Watch The Brody File report from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, as the crew reports exclusively on a private pastors training meeting as many get set to run for political office.

It’s the Lord’s army at work. The experience was called the Issachar Training Event arranged by the American Renewal Project. The men of Issachar are mentioned in the Bible. They were, “men who understood the times.” (1 Chronicles 12:32) The Brody File has this behind the scenes look.

This is the beginning stage of what very well could be a turning point in American politics. Included in this report is part of my interview with political operative/influential evangelical David Lane. Lane’s goal is to get 1,000 pastors to run for some sort of political office in 2016. He’s well on his way with this event.