Bobby Jindal's Straight Talk: “Muslim leaders must make clear that these individuals are not going to enjoy the afterlife, they're not going to be martyrs but rather they're going to hell.”


Hey John McCain: Move over. You have a “straight talk” partner. His name is Gov. Bobby Jindal. Watch below.

This is what he said today in London, England, about Islamic terrorists who think they’re going to heaven.

Gov. Bobby Jindal: Muslim leaders must make clear that these individuals are not going to enjoy the afterlife, they’re not going to be martyrs but rather they’re going to hell.

There’s not enough left to be said other than, “Preach it, brother!”

It's one thing to say that these Islamic terrorists are going to hell but Jindal put all Muslim leaders on the spot. Will some of these "moderate" Muslim leaders say that? Stay tuned.

Look, the reality is this: Jesus is the way to heaven. The Lord said these words: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

That’s God’s word. That’s called truth. Throughout history, so many have tried to prove the Bible wrong. And yet whether it’s prophecy or archaeology or any other means, they can’t. The Bible stands the test of time. Why? Because it’s God’s holy word. It’s his love letter to us.

Let’s pray that ALL Muslims and everyone that doesn't know Jesus in a real and personal way turn their life over to him.