Marco Rubio to Brody File: Breakdown of Family Has Led to Moral Decline


In a one-on-one interview with The Brody File, Sen. Marco Rubio says that the breakdown of the family has had direct consequences on the morality of our nation.

Rubio spoke with The Brody File very early Wednesday morning up on Capitol Hill. Watch the interview below with the key quote. Rubio will be the guest on this week’s national Brody File television show.

Other guests this week include Steven Law, president and CEO of American Crossroads, and Joshua DuBois, the outgoing White House Faith-Based Director.

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Mandatory Courtesy: CBN News/The Brody File

Key Quote:

Sen. Marco Rubio: I think morality ultimately is the function of the church and our faith not government but certainly government can not be immune from morality nor can our society because the breakdown in morality is having a direct economic consequence on our country.

The breakdown of the American family is one of the leading causes of poverty. The breakdown in the American family is one of the leading causes of these instances of violence that we’re seeing. The breakdown of the American family is one of the leading causes of educational underperformance.

That doesn’t mean I can go out and pass a law to create stronger families but it does mean that as leaders, if we do not recognize the impact that the social and moral well-being of our people are having on our economy and ultimately on our country, we’re blinded into a big problem.