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Are you looking for an effective way to bring peace, hope and fulfillment to your life?
The 21 Day Habit can help you find just what you're searching for.
The 21 Day Habit brings together some of the most valuable motivators in behavioral sciences today and joins them to the most powerful words in the world, the Word of God.
Behavioral science tells us it takes 21 days to develop a habit. In just 21 days, you will have taken control of your time and built into your life a habit that will bring you peace, joy, and guidance.
Commit now to take charge!
God wants to give you something special. He has words for your heart alone. Come and experience His incredible love and presence.
Sign up for an electronic version of The 21 Day Habit. Life will never be the same again.
Each day for the next 21 days, you will receive powerful, positive insights that will affect your thinking and outlook forever.