Four Lessons Kids Need to Learn

As a mom, I am constantly wondering what attributes I should be instilling into my children. As a Christian mom, I am wonder if I am keeping my parenting in line with God's Word.
The other day, I purposed in my heart to make a list of the things I wish to show my children the most and ways I can improve on becoming a better role model. Here's what I came up with:
God's love
The first thing above all else of course is I want them to know God's love. To know God's love is to know how to love others. I truly believe that the only way we are capable of loving in the capacity God intends for us is to first experience the overwhelming power of His sacrificial love.
Not too long ago a friend of mine was questioning how a person she loved in her life could hurt her without any remorse and how they show unkindness unless they needed something. I found myself quoting my mother; "How do you expect them to love when he does not even know the love of God?"
The love of God changes us. We learn what it means to be giving, grateful and empathetic. We understand that our time is not just for us and that selfishness hinders love.
To know love is to receive love. On this note, I've resolved to change a lot about how I receive love. Let's together learn to show our children that love is a gift not a "battlefield".
Nothing is more pleasing to God than a faithful servant. Living faithful lives is key because it shows our children discipline. Have you ever noticed that families who put Christ at the center seem to run a lot smoother?
They know how to balance their lives in a way that is not all about them. God leads, so they know what to expect. A family without a purpose is chaos.
I am the least scheduled person I know. Still, as long as I follow God, my children will learn a balanced way of life. The lesson of loyalty, commitment and faithfulness is a life-saving one.
Our kids need to see what faith looks like. We believe wholeheartedly that God will take care of us. We are loved and provided for in all ways through Jesus.
Without faith and knowing that we are fully loved, we and our kids will be swayed by whatever life storms come our way.
Be constantly in prayer. We should pray all day, every day. It is our way of getting out our worries, telling God we are grateful for all He does and who He is.
We must be in communication with our Heavenly Father. Just as I want my children to talk to me, God wants us to tell Him our needs, our hopes, our fears and to allow Him to be the one we lean on in times of trouble.