Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Purpose

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Devotionals on Purpose

Circumstances that involve loss, unfair treatment, illness, or broken relationships are the wilderness places God uses to shape, refine, and carve...

What are God's plans and purposes for your life? Personally, my understanding is that God doesn’t just have plans for my life, but rather, He has...

When we are faced with hardship and difficult situations, they can overwhelm us. When we look at God from the middle of our circumstances, we will...

God has a purpose and a calling for each of our lives. He often leads us in ways that we don’t even realize to bring us to the right place at the...

Our heavenly Father sometimes sovereignly permits momentary pain to accomplish a greater purpose. In fact, Jesus’ suffering on the Cross represented...

In this heartfelt devotional, discover the beauty of forming supportive relationships with fellow doubters, the urgency of heeding God's promptings,...

Amid circumstances that don’t seem to add up and life trials we have no explanation for, we can find peace in knowing that God’s plan for us is...

Do you ever wonder how you can know God’s plan for your life? Maybe this thought arose while applying for a job, picking a college major, or even...

Do you ever struggle to keep God first in your life? If it’s not one thing, it’s another: too much to do, too many burdens to bear, and too many...

Is a lack of difficulty and hardship in life biblical? What does the Bible promise us when we have trouble, loss, and grief in life? The writer of...


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