Christian Living

Spiritual Life


God tells us that all the evils in the world are due to either my sin or someone else's.  All of mankind is sinful, thus separated from the holiness of God.

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Bible Teachings on Evil

The Bible makes it clear that there are demons, or evil spirits, in the world that interfere in people's lives. 

The apostle Paul, like Jesus, understood the incredible power of Satan. He understood even better that God was much stronger, and would ultimately...

In natural and spiritual history, a society degenerates according to a pattern. It goes from a diminishing God-centered spiritual life, to legalism,...

Money is not the root of all evil. The Bible says, "The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in...

Here at CBN, we occasionally encounter roadblocks in our efforts to share the Gospel with lost souls throughout the world. Perhaps you've experienced...

Questions about Evil

The love of money is a root of evil, because some people love money more than they love God.

God's plan for the triumph of love over hate is breathtaking.

Satan's guile and power notwithstanding, every Christian has the power, in the name of Jesus, to resist him and to overcome him.

There is only one way that evil can overcome a Christian, and that is if the Christian returns evil for evil.

These groups, in the name of "research and enlightenment," "psychic research," "transcendental meditation," "yoga," etc., are actually not in touch...

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Devotionals about Evil

There is no doubt that current times are difficult. Hatred, envy, greed—conflict is all around us. I remember when life growing up was simpler, less...

It’s not often that you embark on a journey without knowing where you are going. Journeying life as a Christian does not guarantee you a comfortable...

Shame can silence our joy and paralyze our growth, but it doesn't have to. Through a careful look at Scripture, this inspiring message will lead you...

So often we may fall into the trap of seeking the power of the Holy Spirit instead of first seeking a relationship with God. God wants to empower us...

What kind of Jesus do you worship? That might sound like a strange question, but it’s essential, especially in today’s culture. Is He King of Kings...

All Devotionals on Evil

Videos about Evil

Jenny Weaver was attracted to the acceptance and power witchcraft promised, but she soon discovered its sinister side. Now that the door was open,...

Having been overcome by pain, Elizabeth Verver stood at the precipice of suicide when a stronger voice of hope beckoned her to choose life.

Abused and assaulted by a foster dad, Schwartzen found sanctuary on the basketball court where his natural abilities gave him identity, but this only...

Yolanda tried to escape physical abuse through drugs, but her addiction led to even greater physical and emotional maltreatment. With the mounting...

Dr. Lou Ortenzio tries to keep pace with a demanding practice by taking opiates, but it costs him his family, his practice, and nearly his life. One...

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Articles on Evil

God illuminates darkness so we can see, and then equips us to be shining lights to help others out of their darkness. ~Kathy Carlton Willis

Light and Dark: A Devotional Study on Light

Darkness helps us see our need for light—to see our need for Jesus.

When God forbid Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, He knew it would lead to the barrage of information we have at our...

Be a good SEED Share a good DEED. ~Kathy Carlton Willis

The Seed Makes the Plant

Get out the yucky seeds and shine like a Jack-o-lantern.

A time to plant - Every Season has a reason! ~Kathy Carlton Willis

The Time Is Right

If this is the season to plant in life, what are we planting?


The Devil’s 12 Step Program

Learn the devil's sneaky 12-step approach to keep you from ever having victory over your addiction.

All Articles on Evil
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