Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Happiness and Joy

Joy does not equal happiness. Joy describes the inner peace coming from true contentment with the Lord, present in a person whether happy or sad.

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Bible Teachings on Happiness and Joy

Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don't have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless; it is like chasing the wind. ...

When God actively works in a situation, good can come out of it — even in the darkest of situations.

To balance out the "work hard and succeed" promises of the Book of Proverbs, the Book of Ecclesiastes assures us that human beings cannot find their...

I have found this principle to be true: It is not happy people who are thankful—it is thankful people who are happy.

Christianity has a reputation for being the "don't" religion — a killjoy faith designed to keep people from enjoying their lives. Nothing could be...

Questions about Happiness and Joy

The deep, deep happiness that transcends all else comes from knowing God and, in turn, from being known by Him.

The manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit in our lives is the tangible evidence that we are being changed into the nature of Jesus Christ.

If you are fellowshipping with God and serving Him, peace and happiness will be there despite the circumstances. You can be happy in the midst of...

I wondered, if we call God good when things go right, does it mean He’s not good when things go wrong?

Some think when they have a religious experience and suddenly want to live well and do good in the world, that is Christianity. They may get some...

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Devotionals about Happiness and Joy

You choose the distance or closeness you will have with the Lord. He's as close as you want Him to be. With faith, comes the gift of intentionality....

If a matchstick flame can lighten up a room, can you imagine how much our lights can dispel the darkness in the world? Someone, somewhere, needs to...

The third week of Advent we recognize joy. Joy has many shades. It can be exuberant when we experience the faithfulness of God, it can be calm...

Keeping our focus on God, while we serve Him in any way, gives us the joy to carry on. What is the weak area of ​​your life that you need to...

If you have ever lost hope because what you are believing for is not coming to pass, know that God has not forgotten you. Trust Him. But the race isn...

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Videos about Happiness and Joy

Actress, producer, and best-selling author, Roma Downey, shares quotes and excerpts from her new devotional, “Be an Angel,” on how we can encourage...

Highly decorated Paralympian Jessica Long accomplishes everything she set out to do, but her joy is incomplete until she surrenders her life to Jesus...

Tim Tebow children's book, "Bronco and Friends: A Party to Remember," will brighten your day and encourage children to recognize their innate value...

John did not realize he was miraculously healed for two entire weeks, and now he cannot wait to share how it happened!

Dustin discovers God wants a relationship with him amid his addiction, and it is the relationship and love that lead him to something so much better...

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Articles on Happiness and Joy

Joy is an expression of our love as we focus on God’s promises, not our circumstances!

Did Jesus really tell us it is a blessed or a joyous thing to mourn? How can we be happy while we are grieving?

When the Son Shines No Sunglasses Necessary! -Kathy Carlton Willis

Life Shines: a Devotional Study on Light

When the Light of Jesus shines in us, we shine a light into the darkness.

Glowing Grace Brightens a Dark Place ~ Kathy Carlton Willis

Light Lightens Life: A Devotional Study on Light

Only one Light has enough lumins to transform dark to light.

The empty cross is a Christian

Resurrection is Christ’s Peace Offering

Jesus paid the price on the cross and resurrected so that we might have peace.

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