Christian Living

Spiritual Life


Positive, life-giving relationships are sought out through our family and friends. The most important relationship we can have is with Jesus Christ.

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Bible Teachings on Relationships

Look through these 18 love verses of Scripture to find the best Bible verses about love.

Could loneliness be the great problem in our society — not poverty, homelessness, drugs, crime, but just plain loneliness? 

The holy union of marriage is bonded in deep love and reverence to the Father. Delve into His Word and see what God says about this union between a...

Love as the world defines it is anemic — a thin broth, unable to sustain a robust relationship. Divine love (agapē) radically transforms...

I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever (John 14:16) Loneliness was the first thing that God's...

All Bible Teachings on Relationships

Questions about Relationships

The apostle Paul, writing to the church at Ephesus, laid down some very good guidelines for husbands and wives. 

Since the pressures upon them can be enormous, a couple contemplating an interracial marriage must be absolutely sure of each other, their own...

I believe God will lead you to the mate best suited to you, although possibly not a "perfect" mate. Here is why.

The Bible points out the root of problems amongst church members in James 4.

God saw to it that people recorded the story of His intricately woven plan to reestablish relationship with mankind in general and with every...

All Questions on Relationships

Devotionals about Relationships

Circumstances that involve loss, unfair treatment, illness, or broken relationships are the wilderness places God uses to shape, refine, and carve...

Sometimes our faith is tested through the trials we face. Sometimes our trials include our marriage, friendships, relatives, jobs, finances, children...

Sometimes, leaders in our homes, communities, workplaces, churches, and businesses think they must always show strength and not rely on others for...

As a passionate follower of Christ, I know the dangers of unforgiveness. Matthew 18:21-35 records the parable about a man who had a great debt...

Leading a congregation in worship, this singer found herself suddenly and completely without a voice. She panicked, desperate for a way out, unsure...

All Devotionals on Relationships

Videos about Relationships

Hollywood couple Devon Franklin and Meagan Good tell how waiting to have sex until marriage deepened their relationship and created more discipline...

What Makes a Relationship Strong?

Where Is God In My Relationships?

Can My Relationship Be Restored?

Jason and Tori Benham have experienced their own relationship trials over their two-decade marriage. In their book, “Beauty in Battle,” they share...

All Videos on Relationships

Articles on Relationships

Senior couple drinking coffee

Finding Your Soulmate in Your Marriage

Marriage counselor Dr. David Hawkins offers five key strategies to finding the soulmate in your mate.

Lysa Terkeurst discusses her new book “I want to Trust You, But I don’t” in which she notes the importance of human relationships and how they can...

You can grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus the same way you would with anyone else.

Friends can come alongside grievers in practical ways during the holidays.

Empathy deepens connections, with boundaries for healthy relationships.

All Articles on Relationships
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