Christian Living

Spiritual Life


"A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one." (Genesis 2:24 NLT)

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Bible Teachings on Marriage

Look through these 18 love verses of Scripture to find the best Bible verses about love.

One book about extramarital affairs is titled The Myth of the Greener Grass. For many people, even for many Christians, the grass always seems...

Sexual intercourse between a married person and someone who is not his or her mate is adultery. The Ten Commandments contain the prohibition...

What does the Bible say about sex in marriage? The Bible encourages sexual intimacy between a husband and wife.

One of the most subtle ways that Satan can wreck your faithful witness is to tempt you to harbor a grudge or to nurse feelings of self-pity.

All Bible Teachings on Marriage

Questions about Marriage

God's perfect will is the preservation of society and future generations by the preservation of marriages. God will give anyone great help in...

Some Christians go ahead and marry unbelievers, thinking they can convert them after marriage. Is this wise?

The apostle Paul, writing to the church at Ephesus, laid down some very good guidelines for husbands and wives. 

Since the pressures upon them can be enormous, a couple contemplating an interracial marriage must be absolutely sure of each other, their own...

I believe God will lead you to the mate best suited to you, although possibly not a "perfect" mate. Here is why.

All Questions on Marriage

Devotionals about Marriage

One of my favorite prayers is with Christians for their unbelieving family members, neighbors, and friends. We all long for our loved ones to know...

Your thinking can affect what you speak, how you act, and what you believe. Negative thoughts only lead to more negative thoughts if you don’t take...

Waiting for His promises is not always as easy as we want, but it will always be rewarding. What I have learned after all these years is that my...

God's Word provides a constant message of restoration. His handiwork is so much bigger and more beautiful than we can imagine. Looking at the story...

Are you seeking to overcome offense and embrace forgiveness? Just as the disciples in John 6, we risk missing out on blessings when easily offended....

All Devotionals on Marriage

Videos about Marriage

Hollywood couple Devon Franklin and Meagan Good tell how waiting to have sex until marriage deepened their relationship and created more discipline...

Cheryle loves to win the trust of wild mustangs, but she struggled to tame her own untrusting heart towards her husband Rick. See how God used a wild...

Robert and Rebecca struggle to save a marriage marred by infidelity. But when Robert’s kidney fails, Rebecca makes a sacrifice that proves her...

Is Restoration Possible?

What Makes a Family?

All Videos on Marriage

Articles on marriage

Senior couple drinking coffee

Finding Your Soulmate in Your Marriage

Marriage counselor Dr. David Hawkins offers five key strategies to finding the soulmate in your mate.

Don't settle for mediocrity when it comes to satisfaction in marriage. Author Jim Burns offers strategies to transform your relationship.

In Ephesians 5, the Apostle Paul calls marriage a profound mystery. What does he mean by that?

The Way of the Wise vs. the Way of the Fool

As important as it was to understand ‘The Way of the Fool,’ it was equally important to understand the life in the Spirit, ‘The Way of the Wise.’

Couple blaming each other

Time to End the Blame Game

"Blaming and shaming don't lead to solutions, only distance."

All Articles on Marriage
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