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Articles on God's love

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Articles on God's love


With All My Heart

When you love someone, you hold firmly to them, so it makes sense if we love God, we will do the same.

Let the Bible be your source of comfort in your time of need.

When God created the universe and everything in it, He said it was very good. He also created you - what do you think He said?

Sadly, this is how so many view God, that he’s up there with a critical eye just waiting for us to disappoint him, or rolling his eyes with each...


The Delighted Father

It’s great to have our parents be pleased with us, but to have the King of all kings delight in us—that’s truly mind boggling!

Most everyone in the Bible had trials and suffered loss, even though they were called and blessed by God.

God planted the abilities, desires, and dreams within our spirits to begin with. We just have to realize that He wants us to succeed even more...

Author Michelle Lynn Senters pens a love letter she thinks God would write to all of the single moms out there this Valentine's Day.

It’s easy to be preoccupied with the details of life. There’s always something more it seems we must do. 

Jesus loves and treasures the spiritual orphan. That’s why He made a way to adopt us into the family of God.


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