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Articles on Hope

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Articles on Hope

Our own minds are the residence of fear and dread, self-concern and anger, and, worst of all, covetousness and hatred. Those tenants of the mind play...

What we need are visionaries who have the audacity to take God at His Word, to believe that ‘those who the Son sets free are free indeed’, and who...

In his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, Martin Luther King appealed to the American nation to recognize the sins of slavery and racial hatred and to...

Jim Robinson: On January 2nd, 2005, I will celebrate the day I got sober. This was in many ways the most important day of my life, at least as far as...

Followers of Islam are taught through their holy book, the Qur’an, to persecute and kill the infidels or non-believers (principally Christians and...

North Point worship leader Seth Condrey shares why he left the Church, what brought him back and about his new solo album.

Letters to God director David Nixon discusses whether God creates divine appointments for people to minister to others, using movie making to witness...

"High Hopes" could be the subtitle of the Bible, the New Testament in particular. The Bible authors understood that people aren't content to live,...

This Christmas, be aware that all may not be bright, and that some could actually benefit from the love of the One whose life and birth we joyously...

Excerpt from the book Don’t Quit in the Pit by Danette Crawford.On any given day, we find ourselves on a peak, in a pit, or somewhere in between. We’...


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