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Articles on Jesus

To say that the crucifixion of Jesus as depicted in passion plays has been bad for the Jews is more than a gross understatement.

CBN.com Program Director Chris Carpenter recently sat down with Bock, a research professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, to discuss how the New...

The Jewish claim to Jerusalem is rooted in more than 3,000 years of history. Jerusalem has been at the center of Jewish consciousness for over 3,000...

While most theologians and scholars look at the people Jesus interacted with, it seems a closer look at the plants may also give some deeper insights...

Our road team, Pete and Roy, visited a cool Christian coffeehouse in Kansas City.

Flames of Revival: The Jesus Movement

Pat Robertson: "I understand there are as many as 300 different prophetic Scriptures that point to Jesus, and it is a mathematical impossibility for...

Jesus Christ is the only answer to the sin problem. He is the only one who can bring us back to God. He died on the Cross and rose from the grave,...

Jesus called to Peter, "Simon, take your boat into deeper water and let down your nets." Peter responded with a slight laugh, "Master, we have fished...

Dr. J. Rodman Williams answers questions from CBN.com readers like you!


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