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Articles on Parenting

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Articles on Parenting

Author Tom Gilson helps parents cut through the lies and political correctness and find a way to impart truth to their teens.

Happy mom with son

Is Your Family Spiritually Healthy?

Stress begets frustration. Faith and trust in God begets peace. So, how's your family doing, really?

Football stadium

The Super Bowl: A Chance to Lose Gracefully

Perhaps we can use this event as a way to teach and remind our children that win or lose, character matters.

Encourage and develop leadership qualities in the next generation.

Too many couples spend a lot of energy trying to keep up appearances in spite of the fact they need help.

These guidelines will give you the key elements needed to get past the overwhelming stress and to find even greater strength on the other side.

“The birds and the bees,” “the talk,” or whatever you call it – parents dread it. Talking to your kids about sex is not a comfortable subject for...

Bestselling author Karen Ehman and blogger Ruth Schwenk share their mothering adventures and expose 10 myths of motherhood.

Embrace Your Calling

Too often, we think this means we need to work in a ministry or church. But, calling is something every person of faith must embrace.

For years some of us have focused our attention (and worries) on our adult children. We’ve not only taken on the role of director in the drama of...


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