Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Aging

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Devotionals on Aging

When God calls you to something, He is fully aware of your circumstances, limitations, strengths, and age. But He chose you for it, He called you by...

Helen Keller is quoted as having said, “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not...

Sometimes we need to be still and sometimes we need to grow.

The writer of Ecclesiastes advises us to enjoy all our years – not just those early ones when people were making a fuss over us.

I believe all of us have a crop to tend to — we all have something to share.

Relatives and friends of Alzheimer’s caregivers can help best when they consider the emotional toll of the disease.

When we spend time with our Father, watching what He is doing and listening to what He is saying, we begin to do like He does.

Jim's visit with his mother in the nursing home seemed ordinary at first, until God orchestrated a series of unlikely events.

We often get so busy that we don’t take note of what we're grateful for, much less express it to others.

Accept everyone for who they are and for what they will become in God's timing.


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