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Devotionals on Anxiety

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Devotionals on Anxiety

There's no need to panic when the lights go out.

In an uncertain world, there is an undeniable peace, an unshakable anchor for our soul.

Jesus wants you to learn that you can face the enemy on the outside because He is with you on the inside.

God promises us in His Holy Word to be with us in the ups and downs of life. So we should not fear. 

Divine reassurance will propel you forward with unfathomable confidence. It comes with blind faith.

Manmade and natural disasters don’t keep to a schedule. Get ready to let God shine through you at a moment’s notice.

We all have fear. The enemy wants to paralyze us with it.

Taking the first intimidating step will create momentum in pursuit of a God-given goal.

When we dwell on problems, it’s hard to move forward. Negative thinking will kill our efforts every time.

What will you do in the face of tragedy and adversity? It seems one can either have faith in God or carry a burden of worry and fear – but not both.


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