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Devotionals on Bible

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Devotionals on Bible

Inviting yourself over for dinner is usually frowned upon, but not in this case.

No one likes to hear about repentance. It means admitting guilt and doing things differently. But Jesus tells us to be quick to repent and turn to...

When the Holy Spirit prompts me in a certain direction, I sometimes insist I know a better route.

If a matchstick flame can lighten up a room, can you imagine how much our lights can dispel the darkness in the world? 

How we dress matters. But Christians are called to get beyond appearances and circumstances in determining how we treat people and how we value them...

Jesus used devoted women of God to be the first Easter Evangelists and spread the Gospel.

In the garden of Gethsemane, blood, sweat, and tears poured forth from Jesus's body along with the sweet aroma of Mary's perfume. A fragrant offering...

The cross wasn't going to be easy, and God didn't want His Son to lose heart, so He sent these messengers.

When we follow the LORD our God wholeheartedly, our faith can move mountains.

To fully fathom the love Jesus has for us on Good Friday, is it possible to contemplate His crucifixion from His perspective?


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