Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Change

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Devotionals on Change

When the enemy tempts you to compare yourself with others and think negative thoughts that God doesn’t care or is not listening to you, begin to...

Have you ever felt like it’s almost impossible to keep pace with the constant changes in this world? With 24/7 news, social media, family, friends,...

Transition is not an easy or comfortable place to be. You feel unsettled and restless. Tried-and-true systems, or ways of doing things that used to...

If you've ever refrained from putting a Christian bumper sticker on your car because you fear you wouldn't live up to its message, you are not alone...

Should we escape or embrace fiery trials? The Lord has a greater purpose—and can turn it for good.

Encounters with God are intended to radically alter our lives.

God’s plan from the beginning was to adopt us and make us part of His family.

"A bird that fears turbulence will never know how high it can fly." - Matshona Dhliwayo

All the poisonous plants in my garden reminded me of the destructive weeds of the flesh.

Parents notice the little improvements their children make as they grow and so does our Heavenly Father.


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