Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Character

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Devotionals on Character

Words have more power than we often realize. Speaking words of blessing may change someone's life.

We really can trust the Holy Spirit to tell us what to say when we are in a delicate situation. And, we can trust the Scriptures to be relevant today...

Our Savior came to us as a poor man, not as a king. He was terribly unimpressed with the Temple and all its glitz, but deeply concerned with people,...

Whining's a good indicator you are not content.

Not everyone will understand your choices, until they meet the One your soul loves.

Masks are stuffy, binding, and often ugly. When we slip the mask off, truth can be seen and God is delighted.

Although his life was relatively short, William Borden's testimony has encouraged many missionaries.

What a disappointment it would be if a believer looked great on the outside but had little substance on the inside.

How can we avoid being yanked into a battle of words and egos?

How does God work as a faithful gardener rooting out what harms us?


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