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Devotionals on Choices

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Devotionals on Choices

Life is full of choices; everyone is familiar with the expression “angel on one shoulder, devil on the other." Everyone knows that making wise...

When someone would hint at taking away what I feel is my liberty, there is a side of me that wants to fight for my right, proving the correctness of...

Are you choosing to listen to His voice during the noise of a busy year? Are you still celebrating creation despite everything going on around us?...

When making a change or trying something new, we can be overwhelmed with our thought patterns. And often, the reaction of others can guide our...

What could be wrong with going after what you think is best for you? It's not necessarily hurting anyone else. We all think this way sometimes. The...

Many of us share a love for food and the pleasures it brings. Discovering your favorites may be harmful to your health provides the heartbeat of this...

Have you ever paused to wonder why we sometimes shrink away from open doors, those chances for new and meaningful encounters with our faith? Why,...

“Between a rock and a hard place” is a phrase I heard growing up that I never understood. I think of that phrase now a lot when I read Scripture,...

This impressive young man had made many right choices in his life and he was obviously from a successful, affluent family. Despite all that he was...

He started praying for the salvation of two childhood friends. So far, the results for each are quite different.


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