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Devotionals on God's love

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Devotionals on God's love

Mother’s Day provides a perfect time to honor our mothers and those who loved and cared for us as mothers. It’s also a reminder to those who may not...

Are good deeds equivalent to faith? No, they are not. However, faith and love in Jesus Christ invariably result in good deeds. Jesus emphasized in...

Have you been watching the news? There is no doubt the times we live in are troublesome. It can be shocking what people will do to one another. Jesus...

God reveals His plan in unexpected ways. Jesus' arrival as the promised Messiah was not as the Hebrew people expected—a political ruler of worldly...

Jesus went to the cross, shed His blood, and rose again because He loved us, and that’s enough. No strings attached, a gift with no reason other than...

This passage from Joshua 4 tells the story of the Israelites building a memorial to remember God's faithfulness. The author connects it to her life...

Have you ever tried to make something work by going against the instructions? It never ends well. The same is true when it comes to following God's...

The kingdom of God can be experienced in the here and now. Be encouraged today that the Holy Spirit indwells His people. We have direct access to...

In our world today, we may face all kinds of threats and fears. However, we must stay strong and affirm, “We can overcome this.” We need to view...

Transition is not an easy or comfortable place to be. You feel unsettled and restless. Tried-and-true systems, or ways of doing things that used to...


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