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Devotionals on God's love

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Devotionals on God's love

I am your Father. My love for you is unwavering. I have always been there for you.

Does God give someone the desire of their heart when they didn't even ask Him?

I saw how we, as God's creations, start out as nothing more than ingredients in God's mixing bowl.

"Are we there yet?" My whining resounded off the massive rock that I was desperately trying to climb.

We are like the pilgrims and this world is not our final destination. Let's be thankful for God's love!

The loving eyes of Mary look down at the newborn child with happiness and sorrow. She is full of delight and wonder. 

Words of comfort and love from the Lord give us hope and calm our despair.  

Enduring love holds on through hardship and refuses to give in. That's the magnificent kind of love God has for us.

Sometimes God's love for us is a mystery to me. I know my inadequacies and shortcomings. I also know that God loves me in spite of them.

God's heart is so big for us. His love is so awesome. He wants only what is best for us.


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